Monday 9 December 2013

Weekend Roundup: Pin The Nose On The Reindeer and a Fine Christmas Cheese Selection

I'm slowly losing patience with myself. My nana-isms are getting worse. Firstly, I played scrabble on Friday. Now don't get me wrong, scrabble is a great game and I'm still pretty immobile with my leg, but still. I played scrabble on a Friday and lost. (Nertz is apparently a word). We had a Christmas party in the flat on Saturday (more on that later... hold those little Shetlands), and I spent a large part of it whittling about a) when to put the sausage rolls on and b) why nobody was eating my Christmas cheese selection. Finally, I've forgotten what was on my Christmas list (I got quite excited and wrote it about two months ago) and am dismayed to find out that I've asked for... a cook book, some knickers and two nice bath towels. I kid you not.

Anyway, back to the Christmas party. It was a blooming lovely day, seeing lots of faces and drinking mulled wine for nine hours straight. There was even a decorate-your-own-Christmas-biscuit station AND a pin the nose on the reindeer. Don't nobody say I don't know how to throw a party. Perhaps the best bit was when someone decided to put on the 'partay' playlist on my Spotify, only to discover it was 42 tracks of McFly's greatest hits. I honestly don't remember compiling that. I just think Spotify knows me too well.

I also added to the festive decorations with a homemade tree garland from the leftover card I had from making the robin Christmas cards.

Lastly, I was back presenting Them this weekend after a week off. If you'd like to have a little look while on a mulled wine break you can check it out here...

I'm off to try and revise my Christmas list

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