Monday 14 October 2013

I Made A Clock!

After months of talking about it, this is my first DIY post on Flossie Teapot, and I managed to rustle up an actual ticking clock!

I can't really remember where I got the idea for this from, but one day I decided to stick a bit of wrapping paper to a bit of foam board and get myself on eBay and buy some clock parts...

It's the easiest thing to do, and as I already had the card, glue and wrapping paper it cost me all of £4.99 for the clock parts. (You can get them cheaper, but I wanted to get mine from the UK). I was going to attach numbers, but thought it would look too busy with the print so have left it for now.

If you know me, I apologise in advance for the fact that you will very most likely be receiving a handmade clock for Christmas...

You will need:

Patterned paper/ a photo/ wrapping paper. I got mine from Magma
Template. (I used a  plate.)
Spray glue. (Or I suppose PVA will work)
Clock parts. I bought mine from putaclockinit on eBay

What to do:

Use your template to make 2 circles... 1x foam board and 1x paper
Glue the paper to the foam board
Add numbers (optional)
Pierce a hole in the centre
Attach clock parts according to instructions
Hang on a wall


  1. Olwen, I need to make one of these right away! Can we do a vlog tutorial pretty please? Toni xxx

  2. Haha ok, I can teach you how to make one! xxx
