Monday 9 September 2013

Matilda The Musical

Why oh why didn't my parents send me to theatre school? Ok there's probably many reasons; the biggest being my total and utter inability to sing a note, and another being I was more interested in being a checkout girl or a sailor than a child star, but that's not the point.

I'm blithering on about this because I went to see Matilda the musical this weekend, and was in total awe (and slight envy) of the incredible talent of the young cast. And yes, I do realise that that makes me jealous of five year olds. I've been lucky to see quite a few musicals, but have never seen such a strong cast of unbelievably enthusiastic and energetic children as I did in Matilda.

Another show stealer was Alex Gaumond who played the part of the Miss Trunchbull. He brought enough character and humour to entertain both adults and children, and his performances in The Hammer and in the gym scene were two of the best in the show.

I'm always blown way by set designs in theatre and the fluidity and ingenuity that goes into the changes, and Matilda was definitely no exception. Watch out for School Song as a perfect example. So. Good.

My only slight teenie criticisms are that I found When I Grow Up and Quiet to be the only catchy songs, (but maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing as it avoids annoying humming), and things just seemed to just get a little bit slow when they were in Miss Honey's house. They're only minor things though, and as a whole it comes with my definite recommendation. You don't need to take a child either like when you want to go and see a Disney movie, it's totally acceptable to go in adult form only, promise.

If anyone's been to see it, I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts.

My children are definitely getting sent to theatre school...


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